We evaluate and rank U.S. colleges & universities by schools type, location, majors, and more based on diverse academic and campus factors.

Best Colleges in California (2019-2020)

The schools listed below rank in the best colleges in California. For this ranking, we consider any type/level of colleges including national universities, liberal arts colleges, community colleges, and specialized schools. In California, there are 721 colleges and universities - by school type, 191 public and 530 private schools, and by school level, 299 4 years (or high), 209 2-4 years, and 213 less than 2 years schools.
For academic year 2019-2020, Stanford University ranks first in the best California colleges ranking and California Institute of Technology and Pomona College followed it. By school type, there are 2 public and 8 schools in the best California colleges.
The average acceptance rate of the best California colleges 14.74% where Stanford University has the tightest rate with 4.36%. Harvey Mudd College has the highest tuition & fees with $58,660 where the average amount is $51,439 of the schools. California Institute of Technology has the highest submitted SAT scores with 1,555 where the average SAT scores is 1,443 of the schools. The average student population is 15,928 and the average student to faculty ratio is 9.60 to 1 over the best California colleges.
The ranking is based on CollegeEvaluator's ranking methodology by considering academic, financial, admissions, learning environment, and more perspectives. [read more about the ranking methodology]
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Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Stanford University is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Stanford, CA with total 17,381 students.
Highest DegreeDoctor's degree
SAT Scores1,495
Acceptance Rate4.36%
Tuition & Fees$53,529
Student Population17,381 (7,087 Undergraduate)
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California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
California Institute of Technology is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Pasadena, CA with total 2,233 students.
Highest DegreeDoctor's degree
SAT Scores1,555
Acceptance Rate6.62%
Tuition & Fees$54,600
Student Population2,233 (948 Undergraduate)
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Pomona College, Claremont, CA
Pomona College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Claremont, CA with total 1,573 students.
Highest DegreeBachelor's degree
SAT Scores1,470
Acceptance Rate7.61%
Tuition & Fees$54,762
Student Population1,573 (All Undergraduate)
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Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA
Claremont McKenna College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Claremont, CA with total 1,327 students.
Highest DegreeMaster's degree
SAT Scores1,425
Acceptance Rate9.31%
Tuition & Fees$56,475
Student Population1,327 (1,324 Undergraduate)
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University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
University of California-Los Angeles is a public, 4 or more years school located in Los Angeles, CA with total 44,537 students.
Highest DegreeDoctor's degree
SAT Scores1,405
Acceptance Rate14.04%
Tuition & Fees$13,240 (in-state) / $42,994 (out-of-state)
Student Population44,537 (31,577 Undergraduate)
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University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
University of California-Berkeley is a public, 4 or more years school located in Berkeley, CA with total 42,501 students.
Highest DegreeDoctor's degree
SAT Scores1,425
Acceptance Rate14.84%
Tuition & Fees$14,253 (in-state) / $44,007 (out-of-state)
Student Population42,501 (30,853 Undergraduate)
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University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
University of Southern California is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Los Angeles, CA with total 47,310 students.
Highest DegreeDoctor's degree
SAT Scores1,440
Acceptance Rate12.96%
Tuition & Fees$58,195
Student Population47,310 (19,907 Undergraduate)
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Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
Harvey Mudd College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Claremont, CA with total 902 students.
Highest DegreeBachelor's degree
SAT Scores1,525
Acceptance Rate14.48%
Tuition & Fees$58,660
Student Population902 (All Undergraduate)
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Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, CA
Soka University of America is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Aliso Viejo, CA with total 442 students.
Highest DegreeMaster's degree
SAT Scores1,295
Acceptance Rate38.96%
Tuition & Fees$33,982
Student Population442 (428 Undergraduate)
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103Scripps College 88.39

Scripps College, Claremont, CA
Scripps College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Claremont, CA with total 1,071 students.
Highest DegreePost-baccalaureate certificate
SAT Scores1,390
Acceptance Rate24.24%
Tuition & Fees$57,188
Student Population1,071 (1,052 Undergraduate)
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Best Colleges in California (2019-2020) Comparison
RankNameAcceptance RateUndergraduate Tuition & FeesGraduate Tuition & FeesSAT ScoresPopulationStudent : Faculty
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
4.36% $53,529 $51,354 1,495 17,381 5 to 1
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA
6.62% $54,600 $54,537 1,555 2,233 3 to 1
Pomona College
Claremont, CA
7.61% $54,762 - 1,470 1,573 7 to 1
Claremont McKenna College
Claremont, CA
9.31% $56,475 $62,616 1,425 1,327 8 to 1
University of California-Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
14.04% $42,994
1,405 44,537 18 to 1
University of California-Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
14.84% $44,007
1,425 42,501 20 to 1
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
12.96% $58,195 $47,107 1,440 47,310 9 to 1
Harvey Mudd College
Claremont, CA
14.48% $58,660 - 1,525 902 8 to 1
Soka University of America
Aliso Viejo, CA
38.96% $33,982 $33,982 1,295 442 8 to 1
Scripps College
Claremont, CA
24.24% $57,188 $41,286 1,390 1,071 10 to 1

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