Best Colleges in Massachusetts (2019-2020)
The schools listed below rank in the best colleges in Massachusetts. For this ranking, we consider any type/level of colleges including national universities, liberal arts colleges, community colleges, and specialized schools. In Massachusetts, there are 165 colleges and universities - by school type, 43 public and 122 private schools, and by school level, 94 4 years (or high), 25 2-4 years, and 46 less than 2 years schools.
For academic year 2019-2020, Harvard University ranks first in the best Massachusetts colleges ranking and Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Williams College followed it. All colleges in the best Massachusetts colleges are private schools.
The average acceptance rate of the best Massachusetts colleges 17.19% where Harvard University has the tightest rate with 4.73%. Amherst College has the highest tuition & fees with $58,640 where the average amount is $55,918 of the schools. Massachusetts Institute of Technology has the highest submitted SAT scores with 1,535 where the average SAT scores is 1,451 of the schools. The average student population is 13,807 and the average student to faculty ratio is 8.70 to 1 over the best Massachusetts colleges.
The ranking is based on CollegeEvaluator's ranking methodology by considering academic, financial, admissions, learning environment, and more perspectives. [read more about the ranking methodology]
1Harvard University 98.17

Harvard University is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Cambridge, MA with total 31,566 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,520 |
Acceptance Rate | 4.73% |
Tuition & Fees | $51,925 |
Student Population | 31,566 (9,950 Undergraduate) |
See More |

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Cambridge, MA with total 11,574 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,535 |
Acceptance Rate | 6.74% |
Tuition & Fees | $51,832 |
Student Population | 11,574 (4,602 Undergraduate) |
See More |
31Williams College 90.71

Williams College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Williamstown, MA with total 2,149 students.
Highest Degree | Master's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,480 |
Acceptance Rate | 12.97% |
Tuition & Fees | $57,280 |
Student Population | 2,149 (2,095 Undergraduate) |
See More |
41Amherst College 90.46

Amherst College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Amherst, MA with total 1,855 students.
Highest Degree | Bachelor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,430 |
Acceptance Rate | 12.82% |
Tuition & Fees | $58,640 |
Student Population | 1,855 (All Undergraduate) |
See More |
5Tufts University 89.94

Tufts University is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Medford, MA with total 11,586 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,455 |
Acceptance Rate | 14.62% |
Tuition & Fees | $58,578 |
Student Population | 11,586 (5,643 Undergraduate) |
See More |
6Wellesley College 89.54

Wellesley College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Wellesley, MA with total 2,534 students.
Highest Degree | Bachelor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,425 |
Acceptance Rate | 19.54% |
Tuition & Fees | $56,052 |
Student Population | 2,534 (All Undergraduate) |
See More |
71Boston University 88.71

Boston University is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Boston, MA with total 34,657 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,415 |
Acceptance Rate | 22.09% |
Tuition & Fees | $55,892 |
Student Population | 34,657 (18,515 Undergraduate) |
See More |
81Boston College 88.65

Boston College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Chestnut Hill, MA with total 14,720 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,405 |
Acceptance Rate | 27.89% |
Tuition & Fees | $57,910 |
Student Population | 14,720 (9,927 Undergraduate) |
See More |
9Northeastern University 88.60

Northeastern University is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Boston, MA with total 21,627 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,450 |
Acceptance Rate | 19.34% |
Tuition & Fees | $53,506 |
Student Population | 21,627 (13,909 Undergraduate) |
See More |
10Brandeis University 87.82

Brandeis University is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Waltham, MA with total 5,800 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,390 |
Acceptance Rate | 31.15% |
Tuition & Fees | $57,561 |
Student Population | 5,800 (3,639 Undergraduate) |
See More |
Rank | Name | Acceptance Rate | Undergraduate Tuition & Fees | Graduate Tuition & Fees | SAT Scores | Population | Student : Faculty |
1 |
Harvard University Cambridge, MA |
4.73% | $51,925 | $49,214 | 1,520 | 31,566 | 7 to 1 |
2 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA |
6.74% | $51,832 | $54,976 | 1,535 | 11,574 | 3 to 1 |
3 1 |
Williams College Williamstown, MA |
12.97% | $57,280 | $55,948 | 1,480 | 2,149 | 6 to 1 |
4 1 |
Amherst College Amherst, MA |
12.82% | $58,640 | - | 1,430 | 1,855 | 7 to 1 |
5 |
Tufts University Medford, MA |
14.62% | $58,578 | $53,658 | 1,455 | 11,586 | 9 to 1 |
6 |
Wellesley College Wellesley, MA |
19.54% | $56,052 | - | 1,425 | 2,534 | 8 to 1 |
7 1 |
Boston University Boston, MA |
22.09% | $55,892 | $55,502 | 1,415 | 34,657 | 10 to 1 |
8 1 |
Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA |
27.89% | $57,910 | $30,700 | 1,405 | 14,720 | 13 to 1 |
9 |
Northeastern University Boston, MA |
19.34% | $53,506 | $25,085 | 1,450 | 21,627 | 14 to 1 |
10 |
Brandeis University Waltham, MA |
31.15% | $57,561 | $52,060 | 1,390 | 5,800 | 10 to 1 |
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