Best Colleges in Maryland (2019-2020)
The schools listed below rank in the best colleges in Maryland. For this ranking, we consider any type/level of colleges including national universities, liberal arts colleges, community colleges, and specialized schools. In Maryland, there are 88 colleges and universities - by school type, 33 public and 55 private schools, and by school level, 39 4 years (or high), 21 2-4 years, and 28 less than 2 years schools.
For academic year 2019-2020, Johns Hopkins University ranks first in the best Maryland colleges ranking and United States Naval Academy and University of Maryland-College Park followed it. By school type, there are 5 public and 5 schools in the best Maryland colleges.
The average acceptance rate of the best Maryland colleges 55.74% where United States Naval Academy has the tightest rate with 8.54%. Johns Hopkins University has the highest tuition & fees with $55,350 where the average amount is $37,775 of the schools. Johns Hopkins University has the highest submitted SAT scores with 1,505 where the average SAT scores is 1,244 of the schools. The average student population is 10,482 and the average student to faculty ratio is 11.90 to 1 over the best Maryland colleges.
The ranking is based on CollegeEvaluator's ranking methodology by considering academic, financial, admissions, learning environment, and more perspectives. [read more about the ranking methodology]
1Johns Hopkins University 90.71

Johns Hopkins University is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Baltimore, MD with total 26,152 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,505 |
Acceptance Rate | 11.48% |
Tuition & Fees | $55,350 |
Student Population | 26,152 (6,064 Undergraduate) |
See More |
2United States Naval Academy 89.87

United States Naval Academy is a public, 4 or more years school located in Annapolis, MD with total 4,512 students.
Highest Degree | Bachelor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,260 |
Acceptance Rate | 8.54% |
Student Population | 4,512 (All Undergraduate) |
See More |

University of Maryland-College Park is a public, 4 or more years school located in College Park, MD with total 41,200 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,380 |
Acceptance Rate | 47.16% |
Tuition & Fees | $10,779 (in-state) / $36,891 (out-of-state) |
Student Population | 41,200 (30,762 Undergraduate) |
See More |
4St. John's College 86.82

St. John's College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Annapolis, MD with total 527 students.
Highest Degree | Master's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,330 |
Acceptance Rate | 57.61% |
Tuition & Fees | $35,635 |
Student Population | 527 (474 Undergraduate) |
See More |

University of Maryland-Baltimore County is a public, 4 or more years school located in Baltimore, MD with total 13,767 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,275 |
Acceptance Rate | 57.94% |
Tuition & Fees | $12,028 (in-state) / $27,662 (out-of-state) |
Student Population | 13,767 (11,260 Undergraduate) |
See More |
6Stevenson University 85.22

Stevenson University is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Stevenson, MD with total 3,615 students.
Highest Degree | Master's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,115 |
Acceptance Rate | 73.16% |
Tuition & Fees | $37,142 |
Student Population | 3,615 (3,113 Undergraduate) |
See More |
72University of Baltimore 84.94

University of Baltimore is a public, 4 or more years school located in Baltimore, MD with total 5,041 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,013 |
Acceptance Rate | 78.40% |
Tuition & Fees | $9,096 (in-state) / $21,456 (out-of-state) |
Student Population | 5,041 (2,569 Undergraduate) |
See More |
82St Mary's College of Maryland 84.85

St Mary's College of Maryland is a public, 4 or more years school located in St. Mary's City, MD with total 1,582 students.
Highest Degree | Master's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,175 |
Acceptance Rate | 80.06% |
Tuition & Fees | $15,124 (in-state) / $31,200 (out-of-state) |
Student Population | 1,582 (1,552 Undergraduate) |
See More |
9Loyola University Maryland 84.78

Loyola University Maryland is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Baltimore, MD with total 5,645 students.
Highest Degree | Doctor's degree |
Acceptance Rate | 78.74% |
Tuition & Fees | $50,100 |
Student Population | 5,645 (3,879 Undergraduate) |
See More |
102McDaniel College 84.65

McDaniel College is a private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Westminster, MD with total 2,780 students.
Highest Degree | Master's degree |
SAT Scores | 1,140 |
Acceptance Rate | 64.31% |
Tuition & Fees | $44,540 |
Student Population | 2,780 (1,603 Undergraduate) |
See More |
Rank | Name | Acceptance Rate | Undergraduate Tuition & Fees | Graduate Tuition & Fees | SAT Scores | Population | Student : Faculty |
1 |
Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD |
11.48% | $55,350 | $57,556 | 1,505 | 26,152 | 7 to 1 |
2 |
United States Naval Academy Annapolis, MD |
8.54% | - | - | 1,260 | 4,512 | 8 to 1 |
3 |
University of Maryland-College Park College Park, MD |
47.16% | $36,891 ($10,779) |
$30,885 ($14,793) |
1,380 | 41,200 | 18 to 1 |
4 |
St. John's College Annapolis, MD |
57.61% | $35,635 | $19,296 | 1,330 | 527 | 7 to 1 |
5 2 |
University of Maryland-Baltimore County Baltimore, MD |
57.94% | $27,662 ($12,028) |
$22,896 ($14,382) |
1,275 | 13,767 | 19 to 1 |
6 |
Stevenson University Stevenson, MD |
73.16% | $37,142 | $8,040 | 1,115 | 3,615 | 14 to 1 |
7 2 |
University of Baltimore Baltimore, MD |
78.40% | $21,456 ($9,096) |
$21,614 ($15,404) |
1,013 | 5,041 | 14 to 1 |
8 2 |
St Mary's College of Maryland St. Mary's City, MD |
80.06% | $31,200 ($15,124) |
$21,236 ($20,798) |
1,175 | 1,582 | 9 to 1 |
9 |
Loyola University Maryland Baltimore, MD |
78.74% | $50,100 | $17,970 | - | 5,645 | 12 to 1 |
10 2 |
McDaniel College Westminster, MD |
64.31% | $44,540 | $9,280 | 1,140 | 2,780 | 11 to 1 |
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